Benefits of IDC examinations
We conduct 90,000 examinations and medal tests globally each year. There are different types of dance examinations and this information will help you understand the benefits and progression that IDC examinations can provide your child / young dancer.
Dance exams can sound like a daunting prospect for your child / young dancer, however we believe that examinations should be a fun, rewarding, and a confidence building experience.
Learn more about dance examinations and medal tests
There are different types of dance examinations and this information will help you understand the benefits and progression that ISTD examinations can provide your child /young dancer.
What is a typical exam day like?
Every dance examination will be different but we can outline a suggested outline of an exam day to give you an idea of what your child might experience during their dance examination.
What are the benefits for my child?
Dance exams and tests can be hugely rewarding for your child and can help to develop a range of personal, social, physical and mental well-being and transferable skills, but the list doesn’t stop there.
Who are our examiners?
Many of our highly skilled Examiners have received some of the best dance training in the world and have worked as performers, teachers and choreographers globally. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role of an Examiner and many of them have also been involved in creating the content for our examinations. They are passionate, caring, hard-working and keen to ensure that every dance student has the opportunity to show themselves at their best on the day of the examination.
Every year they attend several days of mandatory standardisation training for each genre they examine, where they independently mark and then discuss examples of work, in order to support high standards of marking reliability. We are extremely proud of our examining teams and of the important work they do to promote the worldwide reputation of the IDC.